Contemplative therapy spiritual teacher guide healing channeling kundalini

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  • Prepare to embark on a profound journey as you delve into the radiant fabric of your cosmic narrative through an Akashic reading. Within the boundless expanse of consciousness known as the Akashic Records, every being's experiences and potential pathways are intricately woven into the harmonious tapestry of existence. Your reading will provide a glimpse into the multilayered history of your consciousness and the essence of your being. It is a direct encounter with the living imprint of your soul's journey. This transformative experience delivers a download of poetic wisdom, adeptly translated into language, offering insights into interpreting traumas, shedding ignorance, breaking familial patterns, and activating dormant energetic structures. It serves as a compelling resource that matures and unfolds over a lifetime, with subsequent readings unveiling deeper layers of wisdom. An Akashic reading holds the power to heal, transform, and illuminate your path. It is an ever-evolving source of vitality and insight, breathing life into the fabric of your existence. Step into this transformative journey and uncover the profound impact it holds for your evolution.

  • As a conduit through the chamber of the upper heart, I have joyously connected to the Pleiadian channel. This offers an opportunity for individuals to establish a profound connection, commune with, and receive insights from our celestial, multidimensional family of energetically connected beings—the Pleiadians. These sessions provide a loving and playful space where questions are met with answers, initiating a dialogue that opens one's life to an expansive realm of experience and knowledge. This connection serves to evolve our cosmic heart and unify our purpose, bridging the nature of our celestial and human story. Engaging in this experience has the potential to bring forth transformative insights and guidance, deepening our understanding of our place within the cosmos and offering profound opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Gain access to this celestial communion and embrace the transformative potential it holds for your life's journey.

  • The kundalini awakening is a powerful and complex journey that can upend lives and beliefs. Navigating this process requires knowledge, human support, and mastery of breath, grounding, and energetic practices. With expertise in yogic methods, I facilitate this profound transformation, guiding individuals toward spiritual elevation beyond the conceptual realm.

“Highly Recommended! What an enlightening experience. Past forgotten issues deeply buried in the deepest corner of my psyche brought into the light, I now have a better understanding of myself. Knowing about my past lives, gave me a clear vision of what I am. Thank you Josh Reichmann for the gift of light and insights."



Leveraging my extensive experience as a Pleiadian Channel, Akashic Reader, and Contemplative Therapist, I am eager to provide insights and guidance on a spectrum of topics during this era of remarkable collective evolution and change. I aim to support your journey through daily and weekly articles available here.

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Daily articles like these are shared to support you on your journey into expanded consciousness

Golden spiral of life blue violet universe healing spiritual therapy
  • The double helix, a symbol of the unity in our cosmic journey and metaphysics, intertwines the dual aspects of our essence, merging them in a dynamic, toroidal energy flow. This spiral staircase of life is punctuated by nodes, each representing evolutionary stages of consciousness and existence. At the core, DNA and RNA dance to the rhythm of life, propelled by a blend of plasma and bio-electric harmonic resonances, embodying Rupert Sheldrake's concept of the morphic field. This field, an ethereal pattern beyond time and physical constraints, evolves as it echoes every thought, intention, and emotion, capturing and integrating new information into the DNA's unfolding narrative.

    Each rung on this DNA ladder symbolizes a realm of dreams and consciousness, where varied sentient experiences converge. By infusing our dreams with heightened energy, we advance up the ladder, igniting a cycle that propels life and the evolution of beings. This ongoing resonance across all dimensions of existence guides us toward universal coherence, culminating in profound stillness.

    The key question now is: What level of awareness are you tapping into? Can you enrich it with more love, curiosity, and knowledge? Doing so fuels the evolutionary spiral, driving personal and collective growth.

awakened consciousness human transformation universe space prayer activation
  • Hashem, the supreme cosmic consciousness, resides in our hearts and everywhere around us, but our perception is constrained by our senses. To expand these senses, we utilize the power of prayer. This energy emerges in moments of genuine openness and complete surrender to compassion, the wisdom that acknowledges our interconnectedness and empowers us to fully engage with the present.

    By embracing this reality, we align with God, Hashem, and experience the vibrancy and softness of true, awake presence. This alignment propels us toward collective evolution and unity, adhering to the cosmic pattern of harmonic resonance. By activating our awareness and refining our focus, we enhance our ability to integrate information for both our individual and collective well-being. Let's awaken our senses, focus, and truly listen.

    Prayer :

    In this sacred moment, I align with the divine purpose of my unique journey, embracing my presence with gratitude, healed power, and deep reverence for my innate capacity. I feel, I allow, and once more, I see.